graphic designer

Spot / Mobile App



App Design + testing

Spot is a fictional app created as a response to the tremendous amounts of game-day traffic that Auburn experiences. I worked in a team with 3 other students to come up with an app that would save people time and headaches, and make local businesses money by helping people find parking.

I was in charge of developing an audience profile, writing a script that the user would follow, usability testing, as well as designing several screens inside the app.

Below are two videos showing a walk-through of how the app would work.

Spot was created using Justinmind software, Adobe xd, and Adobe InDesign.

App Walkthrough:

The video on the left is the introduction video showing the app's icon and logo that we created. The video on the right is the ending video that shows more of the menu's content and function.

The first screen is the loading screen where we made an animation of a "car" pulling into a parking spot.

The screens that follow show the abilities that the app would have such as the "draw" feature (similar to Zillow) that the user could use to narrow down their search.

Our goal was to make an app that was easy to use, with features that weren't complicated because the user would likely be using our app in a hurry.

Our app also relies on user input in order to generate accurate ratings/information about parking spots, so making sure the user had incentives to provide feedback was an important part of our design.